
Showing posts from June, 2021

FUTURE of FOOD: "Blue Food"

Dit is een uitgebreid artikel in het NRC van 12 juni 2021 over de toekomst van vis als voedsel, de visserij en veel bronnen die over over dit onderwerp gaan. Maar pas op, de kans is groot dat je na het lezen van dit alles liever geen vis meer eet! „Optimisten verwachten dat Europeanen in 2050 twee derde van hun eiwitten uit plantaardige bronnen betrekken.” „Wat de mix van de eiwittransitie ook wordt, de les van tienduizend jaar landbouw is dat we ook op zee de voedselproductie in balans moeten brengen met de ecologische grenzen. ” NRC, Zaterdag 12 juni 2021 door Wouter van Noort

Top 30+ reads on Organizational Culture

Must reads on organizational culture To survive and grow, and even regain competitive advantage, many companies are grappling with ways to transform their businesses in the face of radical change. They are responding in many predictable and time-tested ways: Changing CEOs and leadership teams, shifting strategies, rolling out new product lines, amping up innovation, cutting costs and restructuring. These are all the necessary things to do to react to change, but these actions usually only treat the symptoms of a chronic illness – hardening of corporate arteries – without curing the underlying cause. Companies may be missing out on the most important strategy of all: Creating a culture of agility. Culture is not something companies can add on as “decor” once the building is complete, it is the foundation on which the house is built. Top 30+ must reads on organizational culture: read more here: