Wat betekent AI voor de patiënt en de arts van de toekomst?

Lenovo StoryHub > The Human-Centric Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare The Human-Centric Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Justin Eure, Worldwide Communications Manager 2 December 2019
"Dressing one morning, as she usually does, Jane notices a strange skin discoloration on her arm. Still smaller than a dime, but she swears it used to be half that size and certainly more symmetrical. She asks her virtual assistant to scan the area and assess. A camera built into her bathroom mirror fires up, captures photos, and checks them against archival images from Jane’s entire photo library. Jane was right; something is wrong. The artificial intelligence maps the images against troves of curated diagnostic data. In seconds, the AI offers a diagnosis with 95 percent accuracy, schedules an appointment with a specialist, and asks Jane if she’d like to share the images and her recent biometrics directly with the medical practice."

"Making the future even brighter, consider that AI algorithms are only as powerful as the data available. That essential data upon which machine-learning thrives will push big data analytics in healthcare to nearly $70 billion by 2025. Who can predict how the AI of 2030 will empower both patients and providers?"
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